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Looking for mating  or build  yourself that  Females find a suitable nesting tube.


pairing     Red mason bee


Tube search      Horned  Mason bee

In this nest tube lays  they have breeding chambers made of different materials (earth, clay, resin, leaves, petals ...).


Sie sammelt einen Pollenvorrat und legt darauf ein Ei. Das Weibchen verschließt die Brutkammer und baut die nächste.

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Aus dem Ei schlüpft nach einigen Tagen die Bienenlarve und ernährt sich vom Pollen.

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she collects a supply of pollen and lays on it an egg. The female closes the brood chamber and builds the next one.


After a few days, the bee larva hatches from the egg and feeds on the pollen. After about 4 weeks, the larva spins itself into a cocoon and develops into a finished bee. The next generation of wild bees hatches one year later at the species-specific point in time.

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Ein Jahr später zum artspezifischen Zeitpunkt schlüpft die nächste Generation Wildbienen.

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